BarCampBlock 2007 Photoessay

I don’t have the time to create a big writeup, and I’m sure most of it has been said already. BarCampBlock 2007 (for the time I was able to attend) was really fun and informative. Aside from some bottlenecks around the Socialtext offices, it seemed to go off without a hitch. I had a great time and can’t wait for the next one. Thanks to the sponsors!

A session on Microformats. If you look closely you can see folks from Songbird and Flock.

The floor at IDEO.

The obligatory crowd shot.

The bathroom signs at Socialtext.

The remains of lunch, sponsored by Google.

The wall of schedules.

Find the rest of the photos I took at my Flickr. If you see yourself or someone you know in these shots, add a note, tag or comment!

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