Best Splash Screen Ever

Flock 0.8 Splash Screen

Seriously though, I’m actually excited to see this screen. It means we’re reaching the final bits of development for Flock 0.8. Now that I’ve resolved the memory issue on my machine (it was due to Norton Antivirus 2003 and we’re looking into how to fix it for other people) I’m really getting to use the product constantly. It’s looking great: Pretty, simple, powerful! Those who are still using Flock 0.7 are going to love 0.8.

Meanwhile, the new Flock website progresses…it’s starting to come together and look pretty nice. We also have lots of neat research projects set up that are letting us get some great data on what people want to with Flock now and in the future. I never thought I’d be so excited about data, but I think it will really make the Flock experience now and in the future really amazing.

I’m bummed that I haven’t been able to blog more, but once the rush to get everything in my court done for 0.8 is over, I’ll really be able to sit back and talk to the Flock community, write a bit, and explore all the new things on the social web.

Keep on Flockin’!

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