
I just discovered, thanks to Mashable; I may be addicted.

I am constantly using real sticky notes around my cube. Some are on the desk. Some are on the monitor. Some are probably under all those papers to my left. Some travel home in my laptop to hopefully remind me of what I need to do in my personal life. Sometimes I just send emails to myself with tasks. I’ve even tried Outlook (uugh) Tasks. All these combine to some semblance of keeping on top of what I have to do, but it’s just awkward.

Stikis (theoretically) solves this by giving you a website that you put your sticky notes on. You no longer have to worry about being in your office or even on the right computer to know what you should be doing. Choose from five different colors (all nice except for the glaring yellow and green…perhaps that’s for those really important notes) and resize and move as you need to.

(names blurred to protect the corrupt)

I’ve put all my permanent, evolving stikis (the status of conversations with outside companies, my priorities for the week) in one color off to the right, personal stuff down on the left in another color, and left plenty of room to replace the roaming paper stickies that normally bury my office.

I’m digging it now. Will I actually be better organized after this? We’ll see…I’ll post again after a few weeks of use.

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